1. Get BlazorUploader.dll
Find the BlazorUploader.dll from downloaded package, add reference to Blazor project
2. Program Startup code
Get the license file and install the license file like this way :
byte[] filedata = File.ReadAllBytes("PathToLicenseFolder/BlazorUploader.lic"); BlazorUploader.CoreUploader.InstallLicense(filedata);
In the blazor server startup function , add this code to make upload faster : (/Program.cs)
builder.Services.AddSignalR(opt => { opt.MaximumReceiveMessageSize = 3072 * 1024; }); BlazorUploader.CoreUploader.MaxBufferSize = 2048 * 1024;
3. Add uploader button
In the razor UI code, put BlazorUploader.CoreUploader like this way : (/Demo/Demo_SimpleButton.razor)
<button class="btn btn-primary">Browse a file</button>
The uploader button will display but it would not process files yet.