There are 3 Validation properties for <CoreUploader>
If files don't match the properties, the CoreUploader.FilesError event will be fired.
If both AcceptMimeTypes and AcceptExtensions are set, the files only need match one of them.
AcceptMimeTypes and AcceptExtensions will work for Most browsers and the selected file dialog will hide invalid files.
This property sets the maximum allowed size of the file, in bytes. set MaxSizeKB="200" means 200KB.
This property can be set to one or multiple values like this : AcceptMimeTypes="image/*,video/*"
This property can be set to one or multiple values like this : AcceptExtensions="doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,zip"
Developer can modify HandleFilesAdded to put invalid files to ErrFiles.
Developer can modify ProcessFilesAsync to check file content after file be uploaded.